Sunday, February 20, 2011

Beginning Thoughts

The events that lead to the decision to make this blog were relatively. . . Well, really it was a spur of the moment decision. I'm sixteen, so who gives a damn, right? Really, it's just a reason to send my problems out into the universe and hope for some sort of response. I'm sort of lonely in this house of six humans, two dogs and over a dozen cats, so there really isn't much help left to be given to a typical, depressed teenager. It's all hormones anyway. So, for just a while, I'd like to believe in something. That someone out there will read this, take pity on me. . .and send weed so I can just be a normal high schooler for once~!! . . . . . . . .Just kidding. Seriously, I don't do drugs. At all. Anyway, someone out there will read this and understand that not all teenagers are completely bad, just most of us.
But really, sometimes I wish I could crawl into a dark hole and die. Yeah sure, life is so awesome! So much to live for, my entire life ahead of me. Just got my first boyfriend, I have tons of awesome friends, sophomore year just peachy, thanks . . . But all I can see in my head when I think of living into my twenties is just waiting for the end to come. I'm just too chicken to do it myself. So, I'll just wait.
But off the topic of my depressing, self-loathing, apathy filled life, I'm really just a normal teen with normal issues and a normal path. Don't judge me anymore than you would a normal high schooler. Thanks, have a nice night, and hope the virtual door doesn't hit you on the way out.